Fees & Charges
Enrolment/Application fee* (not refundable) |
$200.00 | Re-enrolment fee* | $200.00 |
Confirmation of Enrolment fee (eCOE) | $50.00 | Duplicate Document / Re-issue fee |
$50.00 |
Deferment/Suspension/Cancellation fee | $350.00 | RPL Application fee | $200.00 |
Change of Course fee (Course variation fee) |
$200.00 | Priority Processing fee | $50.00 |
Material Fee (VET – Per term) | Leadership & Management:$50.00
Childhood Education and Care: $200.00 Individual/Ageing Care: $200.00 |
Change Class Timetable (ELICOS) | $60.00 |
Material Fee (ELICOS – Per week) | $10.00 | Late payment fee | $200.00 |
Airport Pickup | Refer to service provider quote upon booking |
Student Card&Lanyard (New student) | $5.00 |
Homestay Placement fee | Refer to service provider quote upon booking |
Student Card&Lanyard Replacement | $10.00 |
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) |
Refer to service provider quote upon booking |
Photocopy fee | $0.10/$1.00 (B&W/color) |
Re-Assessment Fees | Leadership and Management: $200.00 Early Childhood & Aged care Theory units: $300.00 Early Childhood & Aged care work placement: $500.00 |
Times Academy Logoed T-shirt | $30.00 |
Administration Fee |
$500.00 |
Note: The fees and charges stated above are subject to change or variation. Due notice will be provided prior to any adjustment. For more information on our fees, cancellation and refund policy, please refer to our fee and charges brochure or contact our office directly.
Payment Due Dates
All tuition fees and student fees are paid per semester. View the payment due dates by logging into your student portal. Students who do not pay all fees owing by the due date may have their enrolment canceled. Failure to pay the overdue amount by the due date is subject to $200.00 late payment penalty fees.
All prices are quoted in Australian Dollars ($AUD). Course availability is subject to minimum numbers. Information is correct at the time of printing. Times Academy reserves the right to change course structure, content, or fee scales any time without notice.
Payment Methods
Check all our Fees & Payment options below.
- Student deposits, fees and any refunds are recorded into the financial management software. Student deposits are held in a separate trust account and are not released until the student enrols. Fees are only allocated as income when the student has enrolled and commenced studies. TA course fees cover all tuition costs excluding learning handouts, use of products, tools and equipment.
We currently accept payment by:
- Bank draft or Bank cheque payable to “Times Academy”
- Credit card (Visa or MasterCard. 1.5% fee surcharge will apply to domestic credit card transactions,2% surcharge will apply to overseas credit card transaction)
- Direct Debit
- Bank Transfer